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A Guide to Connecticut Sugar Houses
Maple facts, information on maple grades and directory of producers in the state.
Agritourism in Britain and New England
Brief overview of Connecticut's agritourism industry, from University of California Small Farm Center.
Apple Growers and Retailers
Directory, organized by county.
Christmas Tree Growers in Connecticut
Locations of cut-your-own growers, organized by county.
Connecticut Agricultural Fairs
List of all major, district, associate, 4-H and local fairs throughout the state.
Connecticut Apple Marketing Board
Conducts marketing research beneficial to the apple industry in the state, as well as a publicity program to maintain and enhance existing apple markets, and create new markets.
Connecticut Christmas Tree Growers Association, In
Organized to encourage the development of the Christmas tree industry in Connecticut.
Connecticut Dairy Farms
Directory with brief overview and contact information.
Connecticut Farm Bureau
Nonprofit, membership organization which promotes and preserves agriculture business in the state.
Connecticut Farm Fresh
Guide to Connecticut's farmer markets, locations, and schedules.
Connecticut State Grange
Agricultural membership organization provides its history and information on services, membership benefits, Camp Berger, credit union and links to subordinate granges throughout the state.
Environmental Working Group ; Farm Subsidy Databas
Searchable index of farmers in Connecticut who received subsidies for agricultural activities.
Farmers' Markets
Overview of markets statewide with list organized by county.
Honey Producers in Connecticut
Text list with type of product and contact information.
Limb-it-less Logging, LLC
Specializing in low-impact timber harvesting throughout Connecticut and New England. Based in Old Saybrook.
Northeast Organic Farming Association of Connectic
Includes a calendar of events, membership information, and a list of farms.
Orr and Son Logging
Low impact logging in New London and Tolland Counties.
Pick-Your-Own Fruits and Vegetables by County
List of fruit, vegetable and flower growers by county.
Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Producers
List of growers statewide.
Wholesale Orchards in Connecticut
Text list with location and agriculture produced.