english deutsch
Baudisch, Richard
Includes information and pictures about the author's family and the town of Newtown.
Better Yet Connecticut
Connecticut Photos
Photos and links.
Provides perspective of West Hartford through its youth culture.
Provides a comparison of personal television products and how they compare to the traditional VCR.
Ehret, Michael
Evans Family
Evans, Barrett, Grimes, Smith, Ireland family history related to the Craig Evans family.
Gleeson, Kevin
Includes a video and photo album.
Grave Family Website
Includes a photo album of the Cheshire-based family and a tribute to Steven Grave, including audio files of his memorial services.
Houston Putnam Lowry
Attorney and part time amateur web designer.
Joe Amaral
Graphic artist and web designer presents his resume, a sample of his porfolio, favorite links, and personal news and photos.
Kevin Noll and Alice Ridgway
Couple shares photos of home, pets and interests.
Machimoodus Mountain Milleu
Mintah's, Derrick
Born in Ghana, this is kwasi mintah's family site.
Mohegan Sun Casino Fan
Provides directions for getting to the Mohegan Sun Casino and information on nearby accommodations, restaurants, and other related activities.
Myke Cocolla
Photos, hobbies, poetry and drumming clips.
Otterspoor, Sean
Who is the Beardedman? Science teacher, Habitat for Humanity volunteer and founder of his own underground society.
River of Dreams
Doug Simpson's web log of the geography, culture and people of the Connecticut River Valley.
Personal website including a sharkcam, which is sometimes on.
Stimpson Family Homepage
Stimpson, Padraic
Stimpson, Seamus
The Kan Family
Photo album, interests and favorite links.
Tom Coss Polka Place
Polka music, my career in radio broadcasting, and personal information page.