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Citrus Canker
Includes directory of infected trees, quarantine maps, workshop information, recent developments, and worker guidelines.
Extension Digital Information Service
Printable handbooks from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences on production agriculture, natural resources and the environment, forestry, veterinary medicine, and rural development. Topics include crops, animals, organics, pest control, food safety, beekeeping, ornamental horticulture, lawns and home gardening.
Florida Agricultural Statistics Service
State and USDA reports on plantings and production for field crops, citrus, aquaculture, livestock, horticulture, poultry and vegetables. Printable PDF documents and hard copy subsciption sales.
Florida Plants Online
Links to electronic herbarium for state as well as agriculture, nurseries, medicinals, aquascape, landscape, native plants, societies, gardens and garden clubs.
Florida Society of American Foresters
Provides information for state society with links to society officers, local chapters, events, policy statements, member specific information and outside forestry links.