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Listings, Abercrombie, Neil, Acevedo Vilá, Aníbal, Ackerman, Gary, Aderholt, Robert, Akin, Todd, Alexander, Rodney, Allen, Tom, Andrews, Robert E., Baca, Joe, Bachus, Spencer
C-SPAN: U.S. House Schedules
Provides daily schedule of proceedings with links to Committee agendas and C-SPAN multimedia programs.
Committee on Agriculture
Oversees legislation involving farms and farming, forestry, nutrition, rural development, rural electrification and watersheds, and school nutrition programs. Members, history, glossary, facts, news, hearing schedule and transcripts.
Committee on Appropriations
Writes the legislation that allocates federal funds to agencies, departments, and organizations. Provides a list of members, current legislation, fact sheets and general information, hearing and markup schedules and news releases.
Committee on Armed Services
Considers legislation involving the Department of Defense, including the Army, Navy and Air Force, naval petroleum and oil shale reserves, national security aspects of merchant marine and other related matters. Contains hearings schedule and transcripts, information about bills and reports, and news.
Committee on Education and the Workforce
Considers measures relating to education, vocational rehabilitation, food programs for children in schools, labor standards, workers' compensation, and work incentive programs. Information on members and jurisdiction, hearing and markup schedule, hot topics, history of the Committee and news.
Committee on Energy and Commerce
Writes legislation about interstate and foreign commerce, energy generation and conservation, travel and tourism, and consumer protection. Members, hearing schedule, contacts and news.
Committee on Financial Services
Considers measures on banks and banking, economic stabilization, insurance, international finance, and securities. Membership, schedule, bills and summaries, hearings transcripts and testimony, and press releases.
Committee on Government Reform
Has jurisdiction over matters relating to government management and accounting, Federal civil service, municipal affairs of the Disctrict of Columbia, postal service and National archives. Obtain information on members, rules, legislation, hearings, reports, and news.
Committee on House Administration
Considers measures relating to accounts of the House, assignment of offices for Members and committees, services to the House, and compensation, retirement and other benefits of Members, officers and employees. Information on jurisdiction, history, members, schedule, publications and news.
Committee on International Relations
Considers measures about the relations of the United States with foreign nations, protection of United States' citizens abroad, and United Nations organizations. Provides information about Members, new topics, hearings and markups, and news.
Committee on Resources
Considers legislation about fisheries and wildlife, public lands, Native Americans, irrigation and reclamation, Mineral lands and mining, and oceanography. Includes hot issues, members, publications, hearing schedule and press releases.
Committee on Rules
Determines the way legislation will be considered and the order of business. Members, publications, schedule, announcements, precedents, terms and definitions, parliamentary procedure, and a guide to how Congress works.
Committee on Science
Has jurisdiction over legislation involving scientific research, development and demonstration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and National Weather Service. Members, weekly schedule, documents, news, and information on the National Science Policy Study.
Committee on Small Business
Considers legislation involving assistance to and protection of small business. List of Members, schedule of hearings, special projects, newsletter and press releases.
Committee on Standards of Official Conduct
Has jurisdiction over all matters relating to the Code of Official Conduct and may investigate and recommend actions to establish or enforce the Code. Ethics manual, travel and foreign gift forms, advisory memoranda, financial disclosure, reports, and press releases.
Committee on the Budget
Responsible for writing the overall budget plan for the year. List of Members, tutorial, analysis, news and schedule.
Committee on the Judiciary
Has jurisdiction over measures relating to law, courts and judges, Constitutional amendments, immigration, patents and trademarks, interstate compacts, and apportionment of Representatives. Includes information on members, legislation, schedule, hearing testimony, and news.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Writes legislation regarding aviation, railroads, navigable waterways, roads, and public works projects. Provides leadership and organizational information, schedule, hearing transcripts, and news releases.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Members, oversight plan, history, hearings schedule, news and veterans' information. Includes virtual tour of the Committee hearing room.
Committee on Ways and Means
Writes legislation concerning taxes, bonded debt, national social security programs, and tariffs. Provides member list, information on rules and jurisdiction, hearing and markup schedules, and Committee prints and publications.
House Democratic Leader
Official homepage for the Minority Leader. Leader's corner, issues and answers, special reports, and media center.
House Floor Schedules by Email
Daily and weekly subscription service provided by the Office of the Majority Whip.
House Policy Committee
serves as a formal council to meet regularly with the Executive, to facilitate the formulation and carrying out of national policy, and to improve relationships between the executive and legislative branches of government.
House Republican Conference
Provides support services to assist Members in the conduct of their work. Provides fact sheets, issue briefs, and talking points, legislative digest and daily briefing.
Office of the Clerk
Find historical information about the House of Representatives and information about its Members and Committees. Contains information on the legislative process and activities and how to obtain copies of House documents, public disclosure reports and educational resources.
Office of the House Majority Leader
The Official Homepage for the Republican Leader. News and information, House calendar and schedule, and radio addresses.
Office of the Majority Whip
Elected by Members of the Republican Party to promote party unity in voting. Includes featured issues and news, links to the current House floor action, calendar, notices of daily and weekly House schedules, Whip ticker and GOP talk radio topics.
Speaker of the House
Provides news, information on issues, and links to historical documents.
U.S. Representative Search
Find your Representative
United States House of Representatives
Information on the lower body of the federal legislature: about the legislative process, this week's House calendar, committee schedules, roll call vote records, and links to House committees and individual members of Congress.
YourCongress.com - It's YourCongress- Learn t
Uses humor and interactive tools to provide an easy and entertaining way to find out what's going on in Congress. Includes a guide to lobbying.