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Avoca & Greenfield Implement Companies
Offers agricultural products, equipment and parts. Includes online service request and a map.
Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Utility has provided over 65 years of service to the community of Greenfield. Includes the company's history, services, a list of directors, promotions, and contact details.
Greenfield Chamber - Main Street and Community Dev
Provides a brief overview of the town, a calendar, photos, a directory of businesses, special events, and links to area attractions.
Greenfield Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Henry A. Wallace Country Life Center
Birthplace farmstead provides an introduction to an Iowan who served as a Vice President of the United States, a Secretary of Agriculture, a Secretary of Commerce, and the founder of Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Includes tour information, hours, programs, publications, and directions.
Iowa Aviation Museum
Features eleven civil aircraft, early flying machines, and the Iowa Aviation Hall of Fame. Includes details and photos of the collection, hours, and directions to the location.
Pots And Knots Pottery
Offers original, handmade and wheelthrown items at the shop or by mail order. Includes sample photos, hours, the location, and contact details.
The Brass Lantern
Bed and breakfast located a few miles from the famous Madison County covered bridges. Rooms and rate information.