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Catholic Charities Inc.
Offices in Hays, Manhattan, Colby and Salina. General information, newsletter, information on adoption, immigration and senior services, counseling, and how to make a contribution.
Kansans for Life
A non-profit educational organization also engaged in social action dedecated to protecting & fostering the basic human right of life itself.
Kansas Foodbank Warehouse
Centralized distribution point for food which goes to hunger and feeding programs throughout the state. List of their agencies, hunger statistics, and newsletters. Located in Wichita.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Inc.
Non-profit, privately funded volunteer-based organization formed to help working class people with unexpected expenses. Located in Topeka.
The Kansas Rural Center, Inc.
Non-profit organization that promotes the long-term health of the land and its people through research, education, and advocacy. Includes calendar, announcements, projects, newsletter, profiles and publications. Located in Whiting.