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American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD)
a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the art of floral design as a professional career through educational programs and symposiums.
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), M
Professional association that offers details on events, awards, programs and services to members and guests.
Better Business Bureau of Greater Maryland
Includes news and calendar, online access to company reports and complaint filing system.
High Technology Council of Maryland
Seeks to provide support, networking, educational and professional development of the area's high technology community, including firms, federal laboratories, education institutions and business support firms.
Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland
consumer insurance information and a listing of professional insurance agents licensed to do business in the State of Maryland.
Maryland Association of Affirmative Action Officers
Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountan
Provides member resource center and information about finding a CPA for the public.
Maryland Association of Professional Organizers
Includes explanation of the profession, description of services, members, events, and history.
Maryland Bankruptcy Bar
Site designed for lawyers practicing before the Bankruptcy Court of the District of Maryland.
Maryland Classified Employees Association
a member-run organization. An advocate for Maryland public employees.
Maryland Coalition of Police and Deputy Sheriffs
The state organization for IUPA locals in the state of Maryland
Maryland Construction Trades Association
Association of the basic building trades unions and contractors working toward common goals. Includes employer listings and membership information.
Maryland Motor Truck Association
Statewide nonprofit organization serving and representing the trucking and transportation industry. Includes information about proposed and enacted legislation affecting the industry.
Maryland State Bar Association, Inc.
a professional, non-profit, voluntary membership association of attorneys across the state of Maryland, which monitors judicial and legislative issues in the state, offers legal education opportunities and promotes leadership within the legal profession.
MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society
Serves as an advocate and resource for physicians, their patients and the public health through its programs and services, legislation information and news, and contacts.
Parenteral Drug Association
Association for pharmaceutical science and technology, provides scientific education, professional meetings, publications, membership benefits and features.
State Employees Credit Union of Maryland - SECU
Not-for-profit financial services institution.