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Candidates and Campaigns
By County, Governor, Maryland House of Delegates, Maryland State Senate, Past Elections, US House, US Senate, ActiveVoter, Curran, Joe, Maryland Attorney General, Maryland 2004 Election, Maryland Candidates and Politics, Politics1: Maryland State & Congressional Cand, Vision For Hagerstown
Abortion, Business, Children, Youth and Family, Economic, Education, Gambling, Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual, Gun Control, Health Care, Transportation
By County, Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Republican, Populist Party of Maryland
ABATE of Maryland
A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments (ABATE) of Maryland is the largest association of motorcycle riders in Maryland.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Maryland
Liberal group formed to defend of civil liberties and civil rights regardless of political affiliation
Campaign for Verifiable Voting in Maryland
A non-partisan group of citizens dedicated to preserving the integrity of our elections: "To ensure transparent, fair elections and to ensure voter confidence, our voting system must provide a voter-verified paper audit trail."
Christian Coalition of Maryland
Encourages Maryland Christians to take political action and provides tools and guidance on how to do so.
Kenneth Timmerman's Website
Author, former GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, investigative reporter, and Maryland Taxpayers Association board member.
League of Women Voters of Maryland
Encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government. Calendar of events, links to local chapters, news, and citizen handbook.
Maryland Coalition Against Pornography
Group works to protect children and families from pornography.
Maryland Coalition For State Executions
Read about the murderers that sit on our Death Row and about the heinous crimes they have committed. We aim to make sure that the laws that govern the Death Penalty are tightened to make sure it is never abolished in the State of Maryland.
Maryland League of Conservation Voters
Grassroots organization seeking to educate voters about candidates' records on environmental protection
Maryland Public Interest Research Group
MaryPIRG is working with other state PIRGs to turn the tide and protect our environment and health.
Maryland Public Policy Institute
The Maryland Public Policy Institute is a nonpartisan public policy research and education organization that focuses on state policy issues.
Maryland's Redistricting Information
Informative site collecting information on the redistricting process in Maryland.
Maryland, A State of Corruption
Documents alleged fraud in Maryland U.S. Atty. Office.
NORML of Maryland
Grassroots organization that promotes alternative marijuana drug policies and immediate access to medical marijuana for citizens in need.
Progressive Maryland
Organization to promote living wages for living families. Includes information about rallies and lobbying activities, political candidates, issues and campaigns, contacts for representatives, calendar of events, and how to join.
Sam Penner's Webpage
Personal website of the Montgomery County GOP's webmaster.
Save Maryland Swans
Sign a petition opposed to the Maryland DNR reducing the mute swan population.
Smoke Free Maryland
Smoke Free Maryland is a statewide coalition of concerned organizations and individuals working to lessen tobacco caused illness and death.
Tyranny Response Team Maryland (TRT-MD)
Activist group committed to defending individual rights found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution from infringement.