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Anderson Family Funeral Homes
Facilities in Ayer, Fitchburg and Townsend; includes a list of services, pre-planning arrangement information, and resources.
Tuxedo sales and rentals. Locations in Worcester, Framingham, Marlborough, Milford, Acton, Auburn, and Sturbridge.
Catch the Science Bug
Traveling consultant offering a variety of supplemental science programs for students pre-K through grade eight. Program descriptions and rates provided.
Chef Raffie
Offers information about services, his styles, recipes, and talents.
Creature Comforts
Offers in-home pet sitting services for the Metro-West Boston area plus Cambridge and Somerville.
Lapels Dry Cleaning
Franchising information with list of locations.
Purr-fect Pals
Cat sitting in the Beacon Hill and Back Bay sections of Boston, MA and in Sturbridge, MA. Prices, services offered, and contact details.
The Boating Professor
Private instruction for recreational boating needs. The service teaches the basics of boating, including navigation, boat handling, rules of the road, and safety.
Video Signals
Searchable catalog, list of current releases and store information for this movie rental company.
Convenient pick-up and delivery dry cleaning service in several communities.