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Freedom To Marry Coalition of Massachusetts, MassEquality
Civil Marriage ; Civil Right
Massachusetts couple Bob and Gary, who were among the first gay couples to be legally married in that state, tell their personal story and present arguments in favor of legalizing same-sex unions.
Goodridge v. Department of Public Health
Full court text of ruling from November 18, 2003.
Goodridge v. Department of Public Health
The Supreme Court of Massachusetts held in 2003 that people of the same sex are entitled to be married according to that state's constitution.
Marriage in Massachusetts FAQ
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders guide to marriages in state and how it relates to winter 2004 court decisions.
National Implications of the Massachusetts Goodrid
U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing on March 3, 2004 regarding a Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that declared a right of same-sex couples to marry.
Senate Journal
Joint session report from March 11, 2004 discussion on constitutional amendment.