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Clay County Historical Society
Membership information, a short history of the county, current township map, description of collection, information on museum.
Clay County Info
2000 Census data by city or township, important contacts in county government, brief historical overview, links.
Clay County Law Library
Description of the collection, policies, hours. Links to law research resources on the Web.
Clay County Map
Shows major highways, county line, some cities. Interactive.
Clay County MNGenWeb
Genealogy and local history.
Clay County, MN, Biographies
Volunteer project to make biographies of people who lived in the county available online.
National Association of Counties: Clay County
Elected county officials, links to demographic information and list of place names in the county.
National Weather Service: Clay County, MN
Zone forecast, statewide forecast, current conditions around the area. Statewide weather summary for past 24 hours, including precipitation, temperatures.