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Business and Economy
Lakes Area Realty, Inc.
School Districts
AccuWeather: Howard Lake, MN, Weather Underground: Howard Lake, Minnesota, Forec
Big Dog Fishing Guide Service
Guided fishing trips for multiple species in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area and central Minnesota, from the Mississippi to Mille Lacs. Their services, radio broadcast schedule, how to make a reservation.
Howard Lake Area Map
Shows where Howard Lake is in relation to Buffalo, Hutchinson, St. Cloud, and Minneapolis.
Howard Lake Christian Church
Service and meeting times, church ministries, youth.
Howard Lake City Map
Closeup view of the city of Howard Lake. Interactive street map.
Howard Lake, Minnesota
Official Homepage of Howard Lake. Links to community events, organizations, and local events and attractions.
Howard Lake, Minnesota Community Guide
Community guide to Howard Lake, Minnesota, published by Howard Lake Herald.
Howard Lake, MN News
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
St. John's Lutheran Church
ELCA. Contact information, schedule, update on the pastor's condition.