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Make Mine Mississippi
A logo identification program of the state Department of Agriculture and Commerce designed to promote in-state products and services.
Mississippi Center for Cooperative Development
An agency of Mississippi State University that provides training and information about co-operative businesses to rural residents, farmers, and community leaders.
Mississippi Coroner's Association
With information and links to many areas of interest to coroners and medical examiners.
Mississippi Economic Council
Since 1949, MEC has served as the "voice of business" before the Mississippi Legislature and as the state chamber of commerce.
Mississippi Economic Development Council
Works to bring new business and jobs to the state. Information about the organization, its activities, and links to related sites including chambers of commerce around the state.
Mississippi Forestry Association
Non-profit organized to promote responsible forest management and maintain a positive political and economic climate for forestry in the state. Includes information about the organization, its concerns, and forests and forest management.
Mississippi Home Corporation
Created to address housing needs for low and moderate income Mississippians. Develops private and public partnerships throughout the state and nation to increase the awareness of need for affordable housing.
Mississippi Propane Gas Association
Provides an avenue for Mississippi dealers, propane suppliers and industry related businesses to work together to promote the views and good will of the propane industry.
South Mississippi Lawn and Landscape Association
Professional organization promoting lawn, landscape, nursery, and related green industry on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Southern Mississippi Planning and Development Dist
A regional planning group serving southern Mississippi with programs for the elderly and small businesses.