english deutsch
Granite State Over 30 Baseball League
An independent adult league based in the southern part of the state. Lists rosters, game schedule, registration form, and rules and by-laws.
New Hampshire Babe Ruth Baseball
Official website for New Hampshire Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken Leagues. Announcements, commissioner directories, league information, and tournament schedules.
New Hampshire Baseball
Links, photos, and commentary on the state's minor league teams. Also includes profiles of past NH pro ballplayers and stadium reviews.
New Hampshire Baseball Quiz
From the NH Historical Society. Fun trivia test on the history of baseball in the state.
New Hampshire Baseball Umpires Association
Information on training and instruction programs, membership policies, deadlines schedule, officers and committee members, and related links.
New Hampshire District One Little League
Covers teams from the south-central part of the state. Lists directions to District fields, tournament results, local league links, and photo gallery.