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Associated New York State Food Processors
Represents fruit and vegetable processors from New York, on environmental issues and food safety concerns.
Better Business Bureau of Upstate New York
Best source for consumer and business information and dispute resolution services. Internet seal and privacy programs.
Hudson Valley Oil Heat Council
An association of providers serving Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan and Ulster Counties with oil heat products and services. Includes member locator, energy statistics, consumer tips, information and news about the council and membership details.
Metropolitan Development Association of Syracuse a
the region's principal economic development, planning, research organization and the primary private-sector vehicle for the implementation of key developments projects.
Neighborhood Cleaners Association
The NCA is a trade association which serves small and large cleaners. This world wide textile care industry organization got its start and maintains the association offices in New York City.
New York Farm Bureau
Lobbying group for agribusiness. Provides information on tax and legal issues, activities, marketing, and agricultural education. Also includes agriculture and legislative links.
New York Gas Group
State natural gas utility trade association. Activities include maintenance and enhancement of operations of the state natural gas system, research and development, and monitoring of current policy and economic issues.
New York Plastic Directory
Listing of plastic firms locatred in New York state, gives address, phone number and contact person.
New York Small Business Network
An association designed to help small businesses and individuals obtain discounts on quality products and services.
New York State Cheese Manufacturers' Associat
Trade association promotes the sale of cheese made in the state. News and upcoming events, members list and membership benefits included.
New York State Funeral Directors Association
Site for both consumers and members. Includes career and licensing information, news, fact sheets, member area and a statewide services search.
New York State Small Business Development Center
Business-government partnership provides help to startups or existing entrepreneurs in New York with business planning, marketing and management assistance, and finding proper loan sources.
New York State Trade Adjustment Assistance Center
Provides professional assistance to New York State manufacturing firms that have been impacted by foreign competition.
Retail Council of New York State
A full service trade association that offers merchant account services, workers compensation, statutory disability insurance, government relations, and other insurances.