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Cattaraugus County Council on Alcoholism and Subst
Include council profile, services, contact information, and events.
Cattaraugus County Fire Investigation Team
Contains the history, responsibilities, and make up of the organization.
Cattaraugus County Health Department
List of services covers childhood developmental, emergency medical, environmental health, West Nile Virus, home care, laboratory, preventative, reproductive, the WIC program, and district offices and hours.
Communications Division
Runs the county's Enhanced 9-1-1 telephone system and has dispatch responsibilities for the 36 volunteer fire departments and EMS services, as well as the county's Department of Public Works.
Olean Medical Group
Health care provider with three satellite offices in Franklinville, Cuba, and Ellicottville, and the Olean Diabetes Center. Information covers list of services, physician directory, billing, and employment opportunities.