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Alexis Limousine
Information covers company profile, wedding receptions, corporate, proms, location, current specials, and FAQ.
Carle Place High School Class of 1993 10 Year Reun
Contains details on date, time, location, menu, music, attendees, missing list and thank yous. Site dedicated to CPHS 1993 alumni and friends.
Carle Place Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Country Glen Center
Shopping center. Lists individual businesses, news and events, and directions.
Designer's Choice Kitchens
Offer both custom kitchens and stock kitchens with over 8,000 square feet of kitchens on display. Inducles cabinets, counter tops, appliances, plumbing fixtures, hardware, photo gallery, directions and contact information.
Our Lady of Hope Church
Handicapped-accessible parish offering history, statistics, Mass times, homily archive, contact information, and maps and directions.