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Accurate Information Systems Inc.
Offers criminal background checks, pre-employment screening, civil history, driving and county records searches. Locations throughout US and 60 other countries.
Almost Home Child Care
Daycare for 2-5 yr olds with preschool program.
Doctor New York
A searchable directory of doctors, dentists and health care providers in New York.
Holtsville Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Island Soda Systems
Restaurant and bar equipment. Beverages, beverage dispensing equipment, and supplies.
Jesus Is Lord Church
Pentecostal. Pastors' biographies, service and television broadcast schedules, events, statement of faith, prayer request form, information on youth and children's ministries, and contact details.
Lisa's Critter Sitter
Presence site for person who cares for pets in their homes while owners are away; some site features not yet functional.