english deutsch
Home Schooling
Tri-County Homeschoolers
Private Schools
Abacus Guide to New York City Schools
Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York
Aims to strengthen and increase Jewish identity through education and acculturation programs.
Creative Tutoring
A private tutoring agency established to service suburban school districts with home instruction and child care agencies. Provides employment qualifications and application forms.
Learning Techniques
Speed reading and study skills courses at local colleges. Covers profile, course schedules, testimonials, and FAQ.
The Development and Dissemination Schools Initiati
An online resource for educators of English-language learners in New York City schools, which contains learning strategies for students to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to meet the Chancellor's New Standards.
Tips for Preparing for College and a Career
Provides advice for high school students(with internet links) on researching careers, university programs,? financial aid, and New York metro area enrichment programs.