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Candidates and Campaigns
State Assembly, State Senate, US House, US Senate, Carlos Manzano - A New Democrat, Lehrman Governor 82 Retrospective, New York Candidates and Politics, New York Election in 2004, Wilder, Kimberly for Governor
Interest Groups
Bacra, Criminal Justice Reform, Empire State Pride Agenda, New York League of Conservation Voters, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, New York State Trial Lawyers Association, NY FiscalWatch, PINS Reform and Family Advocacy Coalition, Suzanne's Bill New York Action Website
Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Republican, Socialist, Conservative Party of New York State (CPNYS), Independence Party of New York State, Liberal Party of New York State, Marijuana Reform Party, New York State Communist Party, Working Families Party
Albany, NY from About.Com
Capital District and New York State politics.
Carr Public Affairs, Inc.
lobbying, association management and public affairs company headquartered in Albany, New York offering serving major corporations, private businesses, membership and non-profit organizations since 1993.
Coppola Ryan McHugh
Professional New York state lobbying firm located in Albany.
Politics1: Directory of New York State and Congres
Links to New York candidates, elections, political parties, and daily state news sources.
Powers & Company
Providing governmental and business development consulting services to organizations, individuals and political subdivisions before New York State?s decision makers.
The Empire Page
Christopher Chichester's collection of multipartisan links relating to politics in New York
The New York City Democracy Network
A non-partisan election forum whose goal is to foster dialog between political candidates and voters.