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Citizens for Responsible Flood Control
An organization with a mission of fighting to protect their homes from being damaged by floods made worse by a Fargo dike/diversion project which excludes the people of rural Cass County. Includes a description of the problem, with photographs, news articles, and correspondence.
Drought Watch in North Dakota
Drought Watch graphically displays real-time streamflow conditions, provides drought definitions, lists major droughts in North Dakota, provides links to graphical drought indices, and links to other drought resources.
North Dakota State Water Commission
The ND State Water Commission's mission is "Stewardship of North Dakota's water resources." SWC addresses several critical water development issues, including developing Missouri River water, developing adequate water supplies for eastern North Dakota, financing future water development, and balancing the public interest and the public trust.
USGS Water Resources of North Dakota
Data collected by the USGS Water Resources Division of North Dakota are used in research and hydrologic studies to describe the quantity, quality, and location of North Dakota's water resources.