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American Cancer Society - Ohio
Provides information on local programs and services, events, and advocacy. Includes Ohio figures 2000, chat rooms, volunteer information, and the Tribute to Courage.
Autism Society Of Ohio
Provides access to the most current information about resources, publications, news releases, and events related to autism spectrum disorder.
Cocaine Anonymous of Ohio
Men and women who come together so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction. Provides meeting schedule and chapter information.
Family Annual Meeting of Hemophiliacs in Ohio
Promotes the sharing of knowledge, experiences and concerns among those individuals with hemophilia and related bleeding disorders.
Health Policy Institute of Ohio
Promotes, facilitates and analyzes health policy research. Includes publications, staff and press releases.
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Nonprofit organization making wishes come true for children with life threatening illnesses.
National Kidney Foundation of Ohio
Helps prevent kidney diseases, improve the health of individuals affected and make available organs for transplantation.
Ohio Assisted Living Association
Organized to maintain and promote the growth of quality assisted living in Ohio.
Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Serv
Provides statewide leadership for alcohol and other drug addiction prevention and treatment services.
Ohio Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
The mission of the organization is to promote the development and delivery of the highest quality care through advocacy of the hospice philosophy.
Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation
Charitable foundation that is dedicated to helping children and adults with eye problems by funding eye research throughout Ohio.
Ohio Physicians Effectiveness Program (OPEP)
Dedicated to working with those in the health care professions. Provides counseling and recovery programs.
Ohio Region Narcotics Anonymous
Provides up to date information about the narcotics anonymous fellowship in and around the state of Ohio.
Ohio Society for Healthcare Facilities Management
A professional society for individuals in the field of healthcare facilities management. OSHFM is an affiliated society of the Ohio Hospital Association (OHA).
Ohio Society of Anesthesiologist Inc.
Dedicated to advance and further patient safety and the practice of anesthesiology in Ohio through education, representation and advocacy.
Ohio's Family Support Collaborative
A group of people working together to improve the system of supports for Ohio families who have children with disabilities.
Resolve Of Ohio
Nonprofit organization that provides education, advocacy, and support for those who experience infertility or need information about any aspect of family building or infertility resolution.
Sexual Health In Ohio Project
Abstinence education in the State of Ohio. Teacher in-service and training with the Sex Can Wait curricula.
Tourette Syndrome Association of Ohio
Tourette Syndrome is a hereditary neurological movement disorder characterized by repetitive vocal and motor tics. The site contains links to many information sites.
Urban Minority Alcoholism And Drug Abuse Outreach
Works to reduce substance abuse by providing education, prevention and awareness programs. Includes details in cities where programs are available.
Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity
A non-profit group dedicated to providing basic vision care to third world countries where no vision service is available.
Western Ohio Occupational and Environmental Medica
Offers leadership in promoting health and safety of workers, workplaces, and environments by providing education, stimulating research, and advancing the field of occupational medicine.
Western Reserve Geriatric Education Center (WRGEC)
Improves health care for older adults by providing education, training, and consultation to faculty, health care professionals and consumers throughout the state of Ohio.