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Provides news, calendar of events and board information on the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association.
Provides news service and links for union members in Ohio.
Ohio Association of Soil and Water Conservation D
An association of conservation professionals that promotes the professional development, enhances communication and fostera a sense of belonging for its membership.
Ohio Labor Links
Links to online labor union sites.
Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
Represents police departments and law enforcement agencies throughout Ohio including ranking officers and chiefs. Provides news, calendar, and membership information.
Ohio State Firefighters Association
Includes list of officers, calendar, announcements, legislative information and training schedule.
Ohio State Joint Textile Board
Historical records of the locals of the Textile Workers United of America.
Organize Ohio
Statewide agency designed to support grassroots organizers and community activists working toward progressive change. Newsletter, list of membership benefits, and campaign news.
Professionals Guild of Ohio
Local 1960, Federation of Public Employees, Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.
The Ohio Association of Professional Firefighters
Provides news and officers.
United Archaeological Field Technicians
Includes criteria for membership, handbook, newsletter, membership application and contact information.