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EPA Region 9 Air Quality Maps
Provide information such as the level of air quality in specific areas, the borders of local air permitting agencies, and the location of specially protected federal lands. Covers California, Nevada, Arizona, Guam, and Hawaii.
Pacific Marine Conservation Council
Represents fishing communities and concerned citizens dedicated to sustaining healthy and diverse marine ecosystems on the West Coast.
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center
Research and information on ecosystems, wildlife, exotic species, fisheries, endangered species, and other topics related to management and conservation of forest and rangeland ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West.
Western States Seismic Policy Council Earthquake P
Provides earthquake hazard reduction programs throughout the Western Region and develops, recommends and presents seismic policies and programs through information exchange, research and education.
Western Water Assessment
Part of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado. Research focuses on the decision making processes of those who manage water resources, use the water, and are responsible for its treatment and the protection of the aquatic environment.