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Civil War
Civil War Rosters - Rhode Island, Colonel Henry Tillinghast Sisson, Rhode Island Civil War Enlistments, Rhode Island Civil War Roundtable, Rhode Island History (1846-1865), Rhode Island in the Civil War
Rhode Island Black Heritage Society
Williams, Roger
A Key into the Language of America, A Plea for Religious Liberty, Book Review: I, Roger Williams, Church History 13: Roger Williams, Errand in the Wilderness: Roger Williams and ", Georgetown University: Roger Williams, On the Origins of Roger Williams' Notion of R, Perspectives in American Literature: Roger William, Roger Williams, Roger Williams Day
Find-A-Grave: Rhode Island
Information about the final resting places of notable people from the state or buried here. Includes maps, biographical sketches, photographs, and portraits for many listings.
Rhode Island Colonial History
Excerpt from "Our Country," a book published in the late 1800s.
Rhode Island Consortium of Genealogical and Histor
An informal union of genealogical and historical societies as well as other organizations which have an interest in Rhode Island family history.
Rhode Island History
A brief history of the state, from RIGenWeb. Includes a timeline and links to maps showing past changes in state and county boundaries.
Rhode Island History and Heritage
Collected articles and a monthly feature from Rhode Island Roads Magazine.
Rhode Island Online: RI History
Articles about the early history of the state, including charters and constitutions, from the state government website.
Rhode Island Reading Room
Large collection of articles of state genealogical and historic interest from old Rhode Island books, newspapers, and other sources.
The Rhode Island Historical Society
Established to collect, preserve and share Rhode Island's history.
The Tefft Papers
In January 1676 Joshua Tefft was hanged, drawn and quartered for high treason during King Philip's War. He left behind an orphan son named Peter.
What did you do in the war, Grandma?
An oral history of Rhode Island women during World War II. Written by students at the South Kingstown High School.