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Action America
Libertarian and constitutional conservative commentary on current issues. Includes action items, article archives, and related links.
American Center for Law and Justice, The
A national non-profit conservative law firm. Based in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
American Conservative Union
Seeks to communicate and advance the goals and principles of conservatism through one multi-issue, umbrella organization. Features news, membership information, action alerts, congressional ratings and articles.
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Re
Promotes limited government, private enterprise, cultural and political institutions, strong foreign policy and national defense through research, debate, and publications. Features employment and internship opportunities, news, commentary and events.
Conservatism in the US: 1976 to the Present
Bibliographical essay by Robert Heineman on contemporary American conservative thought and policy.
Draw the Line
Claims to represent the silent majority and average person, while opposing the liberal left. Includes forums, chat and volunteer opportunities.
Empire Builders: Neoconservatives' Blueprint
Biographies of leading neoconservatives influencing US politics, as well as basic concepts of neoconservatism, famous quotes, related think tanks, documents and resources. From the Christian Science Monitor.
Flagship Freedom Log
Conservative editorials on America's political and social trends
FLECK - One Nation Under God
Freedom and Liberty is Entrusted to Courage and Knowledge (FLECK) is an American history site appealing to Christian conservatives.
Free Republic
Online message boards for independent, grass-roots conservatives to share strategies and activist resources, and discuss issues of the day. Features announcements, topics, help and guidelines.
Freedom Forever
N. Scott Mills' essays about individual liberty, responsibility and self-determination.
Encourages activism on the part of conservatives. FAQ and links.
Government Is Not God Political Action Committee
GING-PAC raises support for socially conservative legislation and candidates.
Landmark Legal Foundation
National public interest law firm with offices in Kansas City, Missouri and Washington, DC. Landmark's mission is to use the law to advance conservative principles and policies through the judicial system, government and public forums.
New Century Project
Founded by John Kasich's to advocate legal reform, school choice, elimination of the inheritance tax, and a ban on Internet taxation.
Save the Colors
Advocates securing the borders, holding judges responsible for decisions, refusing amnesty to illegal aliens and re-intepreting the 14th Amendment. Includes a discussion forum.
Ten Reforms that will Save America
Reform ideas from tax simplification to Social Security privatization to immigration reform. With links to sites for further study.
The American Cause
Seeks to advance and promote traditional American values that are rooted in the conservative principles of national sovereignty, economic patriotism, limited government, and individual freedom. Features position papers, events and archive of articles.
The Right Wing
Conservatives, libertarians and like-thinking individuals post original articles and editorials. Features news, surveys and archives.
Thought You Should Know
News, articles of on current events and US politics, and a selection of related links.
Essays, research links, survival information and other resources.
Links to current news, petitions, organizations and alerts. Features a discussion forum, calendar and contact information.
David Barton's Christian American resource site, hosting historical documents, issue articles, and search resources. Also provides Barton's biography and calendar of speaking engagements, and extensive online store.