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About.com: 2004 Election Jokes
Jokes, cartoons, parodies, games and quizzes about the presidential candidates and their campaigns. Features archives of past election humor.
Cosmic Income Tax
Essay promotes additional federal income tax deductions including co-dependents, inner child and astral travel. By Marie T. Russell.
Dedicated to the ridicule of certain members of the Grand Old Party, their cronies and toadies.
Grassroots Bribery
Jon Cole for president in 2032. Features Cole's platform and views on controversial issues.
Hillary Rodham Clinton Is The Sexiest Woman Alive
Short quip of one persons view of Hillary Clinton's sex appeal.
Is Dick Cheney Dead Yet ?
Provides political commentary and speculation about the vice-president's health. By Keith Appleby.
Love People Not Money
Small parody collection. Features an animated image of a burning American flag, and a FAQ on why burning the flag can be a patriotic act.
Mugwump Party of America
Offers a presidential candidate for 2004 and the party platform. Features printable posters.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Republicans
A collection of humorous photographs and articles about the author's favorite Republicans and their Democratic opposition.
Politicians who have screwed their Constituency
Jokes, pictures, commentary, satire, ripping on the Affairs of our Government. Political Humor.
Republican Press
Parody of conservative right wingers. Features a newsletter.
Rico, Your Canine- For-President in 2004
Official campaign headquarters of Rico for President. Offers Rico's campaign platform. Features news, photos and information for traveling with dogs in the US.
Rogues Review of Political Insanity
Outrageous political review of politics, President Clinton, scandals, and the media using satire with funny graphics.
Sleazor for Senate 2000!
Dedicated to giving America six more years of Clinton scandal, stonewall, and scumbag cronies in Washington by electing Queen Hillary Rodham I to the United States Senate.
State of the Union Address Drinking Game
Drinks are matched with words or phrases used during the President's State of the Union address. Features a link to online coverage of the address.
The Bean Magazine
Leftist political and cultural satire. Features letter templates, a blog, archives and contributer guidelines.
The CRETIN Coalition
The Christian Republican Evangelical Teaching International Network links the evangelical movement with the Republican Party. Features news and articles.
The Great West Texas Militia
Parody of militia doctrines. Features a message board.
The New York Slime
Show-no-mercy electronic tabloid spoof of Bush, Clinton, Giuliani, and others. Fictional quotes, doctored photos, and fabricated news stories. Includes archives.
The Reich-Wing Republican Joke Page
A collection of jokes and parodies of the Republican party.
Tipper Gore's Guide to Dating Do's and D
Includes dating answers.
Too Stupid to be President
Top lists, video and flash cartoons dealing with George W. Bush. Also satirizes other prominent Republicans, and related political issues. Features archives.
Twas The Night Before Election
Poem about candidates and campaign workers.
Unofficial Cunningham Web Page
Spoof Webpage on Congressman Randy "Duck" Cunningham of the 50th Congressional District, California (N. San Diego Co.)
W's Tax Cut
Editorial cartoons from professional newspaper columnists.
Washington Political Satire
A weekly site of the most biased, irresponsible and lunatic news coming out of Washington, D.C.
Welcome To The White House
Spoof on the formalities of the White House and the inhabitants.
Whooeee, its the White House
Parody of the President's official site.
WWWF Grudge Match: Political Humor
Bill Clinton vs Ken Starr on Judge Judy, Ted Kennedy vs Boris Yeltsin (drinking contest), U.S.A. vs. Canada, and others.