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Militia Movement
Groups, Watchdogs, Constitution Society Militia Page, Fort Liberty, Freemen Standoff, Hanging Tough, Information on Militias, Militia Chief Assails Federal Stewardship, Militia Movement and the Internet, Militia of Montana Meeting, Montana Militia Meets Eastern Establishment, Public Good Subject Index
News and Media
ABF News.com, American Patriot Friends Network, American Street Journal, ANN, Ardent Patriot.tripod.com, Brother Jonathan Gazette, Citizens For Better Government, Discerning the Times Digest and NewsBytes, Dixieland Law Review, FCC and Community Radio, The
American Nationalist Times
E-zine of the American Nationalist Union, supporting candidates and policies including repeal of NAFTA, a reduced federal government and balanced budget, and a moratorium on immigration. Includes organization information and commentary on current news.
American Patriot Friends Network
Network of patriotic movements, including "Minute Man Press" online.
American Veterans In Domestic Defense (AVIDD)
An organization of veterans and concerned citizens working to return America to a Constitutional republic. Includes news, current projects, classic thoughts, founding documents.
Council on Domestic Relations
Works to reclaim state sovereignty and freedoms secured by the Constitution. Includes news, issues, audio and chat.
Original Intent
Pariot organization dedicated to restoring this nation to its republican roots. Includes services, education, commentaries.
Works to expand the influence of America's grassroots in the cause of preserving the nation. Features news and a discussion forum.
The American Nationalist
Personal website promoting American nationalism and criticizing liberalism, conservatism and racism. Advocates American withdrawal from NATO and the WTO, curtailment of immigration and US annexation of the Moon.
The Paul Revere Society
Founded by talk radio host Michael Savage, the PRS stands for the reassertion of the United States' borders, language, and culture.
USA The Republic - How You Lost It
Articles on the US Constitution, secret societies, emergency powers, and why the United States is under Martial Law.