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Political commentary focussing on refuting claims made by right wingers such as Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly.
American Prospect Magazine
Biweekly magazine covering politics, culture, and policy from a liberal perspective. Includes archives.
American Sentimentalist, The
The fine art of political writing in the format of a weblog.
Scours the Internet for news, opinion and analysis that appeals to the reader with a progressive point of view.
Change Links
Progressive newspaper based in Los Angeles, covering local, national and international issues.
Liberal political commentary, opinion, and analysis
News and analysis of US politics and foreign policy from the Consortium for Independent Journalism.
Muckraking leftist newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.
Essential Information
Founded in 1982 by Ralph Nader as a non-profit, organization that provides information on topics neglected by the mass media and policy makers.
I Want My Country Back Dammit
Exposes the corruption in politics and specifically in the Republican leadership.
In These Times
Published in print and on the Web twice a month. Offers perspectives on current events from a left-of-center viewpoint.
Intervention Magazine: War, Politics, Culture
Founded in 1982 by Vietnam war veterans and anti-war activists, Intervention offers news and analysis of US foreign policy.
Daily political blog IseFire plus links to news sources and liberal commentary. Includes The Gore Vidal Pages.
Labor Party Press Online
Newspaper of the Labour Party (US).
Midwest Times
A free alternative weekly serving a diverse midwestern readership with news, information, and entertainment.
Mobile Free Press
Alternative news source for the Mobile, AL area.
Molly Ivins
Includes her latest article, a biography, and links to other authors in the Creators Syndicate.
Mother Jones
A bimonthly magazine of investigative journalism that exposes the evils of the corporate world, the government, and the mainstream media. It is also an exhaustive internet news source known as the MoJo Wire, which seeks to provide "daily news for the skeptical citizen."
News For Change
News, commentary and links from progressive perspective, from Working Assets. Includes Radio for Change, webcast of radio station with format of progressive talk shows.
Pacifica Radio
Radio network profiding news and analysis. Site includes program websites and real audio.
Political Hell
Left-wing news source featuring news, essays, and opinion that oppose America's "right-wing propaganda machine and the climate of popular authoritarianism that it has created."
Progressive Review
Critque of politics and the media with a progressive, and often sarcastic, edge. Updated frequently.
Project for the OLD American century
Progessive news portal. News relating to and critical of American politics.
Online journal of arts, culture and politics with a liberal bent.
San Francisco Bay Guardian -- Web Extra
Not just San Fran. Regular columns by Ralph Nader and other columnists from a progressive perspective.
Slate Magazine
Online magazine of news and commentary on culture and politics
Take Back the US
Independent media site aims to expose lies told by the government and mainstream media.
TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime
Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news.
The Nation
News and analysis on politics and culture from the left. Includes Real Audio access to the Nation's radio commentaries.
The Patriot
A non-partisan journal of political opinion and satire.
The Progressive
Magazine of the progressive movement since 1909.
The Washington Dispatch
Commentary and news from disparate sources, includes a discussion board.
TIP - Truth in Politics
Provides coverage for controversial American political issues including the Bush Presidency, war with Iraq, SEC Corruption and the World Trade Organazation. Contains opportunities to act, and voice opinions on each story.
A journal of news, opinion and alternative views, inspired by Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense and The Rights of Man.
Vance, Keith: The Populist
Progressive look at American politics with articles, book reviews, and left-leaning items for sale.
Washington Monthly Online
Analysis and commentary on politics and society.
Working For Change
Offers progressive news, editorials, and political commentary on US government and its policies.
An extensive online progressive magazine and community of alternative news, opinions, and resources from Z Magazine.