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Al Gore and the Creation of the Internet
This article explores how the perception arose that Gore in essence padded his resume by claiming to have invented the Internet.
Al Gore Democrats
Documents Gore's speeches and facts, as well as mailing list. Highlights commentary on the presidency of George W. Bush and the War on Terror.
Al Gore Rules.Com
Spoofs the former Vice-President. Includes "Virtual Al Gore".
Al Gore Support Center
Offers issue news, biography, media watch and myths. Includes chat, forums and mailing lists.
Did Al Gore Invent the Internet?
Bush claims Al Gore said he invented the internet. Here's the story, the real Al Gore quote, and how Al Gore really is responsible for much of what the internet is today.
Former Vice President Al Gore Joins Apple's B
Press release announcing Gore's appointment.
Iraq and the War on Terrorism
Discusses the relationship between America's war against terrorism and America's proposed war against Iraq. Includes event audio and Q&As.
MoveOn.org: Al Gore Remarks
Offers a transcript of a speech addressing the direction in which the nation is being led by President Bush.
Salon.com Politics - Al Gore's rehabilitation
The same awkward Gore struggles to excite a crowd of young Manhattanites, under the scrutiny of skeptics in his own party.