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Camps and Camping
4-H Summer Camps, Clemson University: Athletic Camps
South Carolina Draft Horse Association, South Carolina Palomino Exhibitors Association, South Carolina Quarter Horse Association
ABATE of South Carolina, Inc., SCKarting.com, South Carolina Motor Sports Racing News, South Carolina Rider Education, Sports Car Club of America - South Carolina Region
Fishing, Fish'n and Hunt'n, National Wild Turkey Federation, SC Ducks, South Carolina Ducks Unlimited, South Carolina Professional Paddlesports Associati, South Carolina State Trails Program, South Carolina Waterfowl Association, SouthCarolinaLakes.net, Wildernet: South Carolina
Boat South Carolina
Find out about safety courses and online boater certification tests, sponsored by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.
Guide to travel, tourism, and recreation in the state. Includes activities, outdoor attractions, maps.
Inline Skating
Information about shops, lessons, places to skate, and roller hockey in the state.
Leroy Springs and Co.
Non-profit organization providing recreational, educational and community activities in Lancaster County, Fort Mill and Chester Townships as well as surrounding counties.
SC Traveler
Provides sportsmen and vacationers with current events and sporting attractions throughout the state.
South Carolina High School League
Interscholastic organization offers schedules and rosters for varsity and JV teams throughout the state.
South Carolina Quarter
Find out about the eighth coin released under the 50 State Quarters Program, the design process, and information for coin collectors.
South Carolina Racquetball Players Association
Tournament results, player biographies, calendar of events for racquetball players in SC.
South Carolina Sporting Clays
Five-Stand, trap and Skeet shooting ranges and clubs.
South Carolina Tennis Association
Contains tournament schedules, rankings, ratings, and local news.