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Carolina Wildlife Care
Non-profit organization dedicated to rehabilitation and release of orphaned and injured wildlife animals. Rescue guidelines, photograph gallery, membership form, and news.
International Primate Protection League
Sanctuary providing alerts, newsletter archives, membership applications, and profiles of rescued animals. Located in Summerville.
Providing Equine Education and Rescue
Non-profit group organization to educate owners in the care of horses, mules, and donkeys. Articles on farriers, veterinarians, equine dentistry, and arthritis, adoption procedure, and news. Located in Moncks Corner.
Red Road Vegan Newsletter
Provides news and links on animal welfare and animal rights; including environmental issues, with the option to join an alert list.
South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines
State-wide non-profit organization assisting horses in need. Provides calendar of educational workshops and fundraising events, pictures of horses available for foster or adoption, application forms, and wish list.
The Fund for Animals: Rabbit Sanctuary
Information about the sanctuary located in Simpsonville.