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Business and Economy
Peoples Bank of Clifton, Wayne County Bank
Buffalo River Trail Ride
Conducts weekend horseback and camping trips along the Buffalo River near Waynesboro. Description, rates, schedules, and other information.
South Central Tennessee Toys For Tots
Collects toys to distribute to underprivileged children year round and at Christmas.
TDEC information for Wayne County
Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation county-specific information on water quality, rare species, other topics.
Wayne County Chamber of Commerce
Information about the organization and the county, including calendar of special events and directories of churches, civic organizations, restaurants, and other businesses.
Wayne County Genealogy and History
Local history and resources for genealogical researchers; part of TNGenWeb Project.
Wayne County Schools
Public school system operating two elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools, one K-12 school, and a technology center. Profiles of the county and its school system and links to individual schools.