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Atlas of Amphibians of Tennessee
A biogeography of amphibian species found in the state. Includes distribution maps for each species.
Imported Fire Ants in Tennessee
Covers identification of black and red fire ants, problems they cause, and state regulations for controlling their northward migration. Includes links to additional information.
Japanese Beetles in Tennessee
Covers life cycle of Popillia japonica, damage to plants, geographic distribution in the state, and regulations to control their spread.
Tennessee Amphibian Monitoring Program
State-sponsored volunteer-based effort to assess the current status of amphibians (frogs, toads, and salamanders) across the state.
Tennessee Animal Biogeographic System
Database of the status of fish, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mussels and snails, and other invertebrates in the state. Part of the Fish and Wildlife Information Exchange.
Tennessee Ornithological Society
Birds and birding in Tennessee.
Tennessee's Frogs and Toads
Photographs, descriptions, and recordings of frog and toad songs.