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Amphibians and Reptiles in Jefferson County
Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection list of species found in the county.
Butterflies of Jefferson County, Texas
Information about and pictures of all the known species of butterflies in the county.
Handbook of Texas Online
Current and historical information about Jefferson County.
Jefferson County Appraisal District
Interactive site which allows searches of property tax records.
Jefferson County QuickFacts from the US Census Bur
Population, demographic, and housing information from the 1990 census. Link to Tiger map of the county.
Jefferson County, Texas
Access court agendas, profiles and dockets, phone directory, history, library services, health care, voter registration, county clerk, district clerk, filing fees, and employment opportunities.
Texas Department of Transportation: Road Condition
Construction information and areas of possible traffic delays.
The Humane Society of Southeast Texas
Includes adoption policies and application, pet care tips, calendar of events, membership information, volunteer opportunities, and donation information.
The Political Graveyard: Jefferson County, Tex.
Information about politicians that lived or died in the county.
Your Town - Jefferson County
Local tools, links, sports and people for Jefferson County.