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Eagle Lake Middle School, Eagle Lake, Texas Primary School
ChefMoz: Eagle Lake
Detailed restaurant listings and dining guide with reviews submitted by the public, and links to outside reviews. Search by name, cuisine, rating, or location.
Eagle Lake Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
ELC Internet Services
Local ISP, web design and hosting. Includes services, area links, and contact information.
Goose Duck Hunting and Lodging
Goose and duck hunting in Eagle Lake, Texas and surrounding areas.
Handbook of Texas Online: Eagle Lake
History of the lake community.
The First National Bank of Eagle Lake
Offers online banking, loan and account information, and locations and business hours.
The Weather Channel: Eagle Lake
Local forecast, current conditions, radar, and links to national and international weather information.