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Baylor University Press
Includes index of titles available and secure online ordering.
Eakin Press
Publishes and sells a large selection of Texas history themed fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. Includes catalog and online ordering.
Shearer Publishing
Books on Texas, the Southwest and state road maps. Includes catalog and ordering information.
Texas A&M University Press Consortium
Publishes books on Texas, military history, borderland studies, and southwest culture.
Texas Christian University Press
Includes catalog and secure online ordering.
University of North Texas Press
Includes catalog, secure online ordering, and author's guidelines.
University of Texas Press
Produces books of general interest for a wide audience, covering, in particular, the history, culture, arts, and natural history of the state.
Winedale Publishing
Relatively new press in Houston specializing in literary fiction and creative nonfiction books. Features contact information, book list, and signing date information.