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AGropolis -- Texas A&M Agriculture and Life Sc
Information on growing gardens and crops; taking care of pets and livestock; environmental issues; and preparing nutritious meals safely.
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Conducts research programs that support the state's agricultural and natural resource industries.
Texas Agricultural Research Database
Communicates agricultural research from state research facilities to other research institutions, private industry, and the general public. Submit research, browse the database by title, or search on keywords or text.
Texas Animal Health Commission
Protects and enhances the health of Texas animal populations. Statutes and regulations, emergency response, reports on current issues, and employment and contact information.
Texas Chapter of American Society of Agronomy
Promotes agronomy in Texas and provides information for Texas' agronomists.
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
TAEX is a statewide educational agency focusing in areas of agriculture, environmental stewardship, youth and adult life skills, human capital and leadership, and community economic development.
Texas Food and Fibers Commission
Promoting the production, use, and quality of Texas natural fibers and food protein products. Features information on ongoing research programs.
Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research
Located at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, working on environmental problems in agriculture. Includes news, overview of work and staff, ongoing projects, and research resources.