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Administrative Rules
Links to the text of the rules, a search engine for finding particular rules, and information on pending rules.
Attorney General Opinions
Legal opinions issued by the attorney general's office. The opinions are listed by number rather than by topic, making it difficult to find an opinion by subject.
BYU Law Library
A list of legal research links.
Court Forms
Citizen-usable legal forms provided by the Utah courts for common legal procedures such as obtaining protective orders, making small claims court complaints, and calculating child support.
Executive Documents
Governor's executive orders and proclamations, organized by year.
MegaLaw Utah
Free Utah law guide with statutes, court cases, state and local government info, law enforcement, media, bar associations, and downloadable legal forms.
Researching Legislative History
How to research legislative intent and legislative history.
University of Utah Law Library
A list of Utah law-related legal resources.
Utah Constitution and Utah Code
A starting point for searching the text of the Utah Constitution and the Utah Code.
Utah State Bar Links
The bar's list of law-related Internet resources.