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PlainAdvice on Buying in Utah
A consumer-advocate site that helps people in Utah decide who to do business with.
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
Information on the organization concerned with saveing the canyon country of in the southern part of the state.
Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah
Gender- and sexual-minority firearm advocates and owners in Utah for self defense and shooting-sport competition and recreation, including those who are gay and lesbian.
Utah Open Lands
Non-profit land preservation organization provides membership and organization information, projects, tools and techniques, resources, and bulletin board.
Utah Rights
A collection of links to various policitial and social issues affecting the people of Utah. Includes categorized issue papers and current items of interest in a news section.
Utahns For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
An organization made up of citizens from all walks of life who are concerned about Utah's laws rewarding illegal immigration.