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Candidates and Campaigns
Attorney General, Governor, Propositions, State House, State Senate, US House, US Senate, Utah Candidates and Politics, Utah Election in 2004, Utah State Elections Office
Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Republican, Personal Choice Party of Utah, Utah Independent American Party
Licensed Lobbyists in Utah
List of licensed lobbyists by name and area, provided by the office of the Lieutenant Governor of Utah.
Politics1: Directory of Utah State & Congressi
Utah candidates, elections, political parties, daily state news sources and other political information.
State of Utah Elections Division
Utah agency charged with overseeing campaigns and conducting elections for state level offices.
The State of the Beehive
Commentary on Utah law, politics, history and sports.
Utah Politics
Political magazine covering Utah politics, published by The Salt Lake Tribune.
Utah Priorities
a project to connect Utah voters to the facts, data, and candidates views on important issues that the voters themselves identify as challenges they would like the next Governor and legislature to tackle.
Utahns for Telecom Choices
supports the creation of high-speed fiber-optic information network in several Utah cities including Salt Lake City, Cedar City, Centerville, South Jordan, Taylorsville, and others.
a political portal, newsletter, and political calendar which contains political tips and political links for the State of Utah. Sponsored by The Exoro Group.
a forum to discuss Utah politics and a place for the reader to voice his opinion, discuss controversial, or not-so-controversial topics or even report a story.