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The Vermont Institutes (VI)
A partnership supporting teacher quality and school leadership in Vermont.
Vermont Alliance for Arts Education
Advocating and promoting arts education programs for all students, and networking art educators through the state.
Vermont American Reads
Information about the program and where they can be found in the state.
Vermont Geographic Alliance
Interactive maps, public land maps, online textbook and information on the organizationsupporting teachers and students in learning geography in primary and secondary educations.
Vermont National Education Association (NEA)
Representing 9,200 public school teachers and education workers in the state of Vermont.
Vermont People for Integrity in Education
Looking at the issues of socialization, and a critical look at state standards, and the use of technology in the classroom.
Vermont Principal's Association
Composed of Vermont's high school, middle school and elementary school principals, governing athletics and overseeing athletic eligibility.
Vermont School Boards Association
Nonprofit membership organization founded in 1936 for the purpose of organizing and networking school boards.
Vermont Science Teachers Association (VSTA)
Constitution, mission, members, board of directors, and resources on science in schools in the state.
Vermont State Mathematics Coalition
Formed in 1990, a resource for schools, parents, businesses and government, advocate of lifelong learning and heightening the awareness of the importance of mathematics.
Vermont Superintendents Association
Committed to excellence in education and equity in educational opportunities. Membership is comprised of superintendents and professional central office staff members including assistant superintendents, business managers, special education administrators and other education professionals.
Vermont Technology Education Association
Promoteing excellence in technology teaching and works to increase the effectiveness of educators to empower all people to understand, apply, and assess technology.
Vermonters for Better Education and School Report
A clearinghouse for national education reform information, and a watchdog on issues related to education in the state.