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Act 91 - An Act Relating to Civil Unions
Full text of the legislation as finally passed by the house, on April 26, 2000, and effective July 1, 2000.
Both Sides Now
A discussion and social group for bisexual men and women, serving as a resource and promoting openness with bisexuality. Mailing list, events calendar and Internet resources.
For The Children Inc.
A non-profit organization, based in Underhill, supposedly dedicated to educating public officials and voters so that both groups will have the knowledge required for creating public policy in favor of children.
Research and political information supporting legal and social sanction for Gay and Lesbian relationships and families.
Mountain Pride Media
Serving the information and communication needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) community.
Pride Vermont
Pride Vermont is dedicated to promoting visibility, education and outreach to the Vermont community.
PrideNet - Vermont
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender business listings and classifieds from PrideNet.
Reverend Brendan Hadash - Gay Unitarian Universali
Performing Civil Unions (gay and lesbian weddings) at St. Johnsbury Unitarian Universalist Church.
Short History of the Vermont Gay Marriage Case
Timeline and chronology of events leading to Civil Unions, from the Baker versus State supreme court decision, to the passing of the Act 91.
Take It to the People
Vermont's grassroots coalition for traditional marriage, with voting information, news, and commentaries.
The Samara Foundation of Vermont
A charitable foundation whose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow.
The Vermont Legislature: Vermont Civil Union Revie
Introduction, meeting minutes, agenda, report on the commission and other web resources.
Vermont Bisexual Men
A meeting place for bi-men in and around the state.
Vermont Freedom to Marry Action Committee
Group established to lobby the Vermont legislature on equal marriage rights.
Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force
Coalition to support and provide education about the freedom for same-gender couples to enter into civil marriages, the subject of a current Vermont court case.
Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA)
Formed in 1990 for the purpose of providing opportunities for gay men and lesbian women to meet in comfortable, non-threatening social surroundings.
Vermonters for Civil Union
A non-profit corporation and political action committee, working to elect public officials who will preserve or expand civil unions.
Vermonters For Traditional Marriage
Resources to understanding why it is important to conservatives to protect "Traditional Marriage".