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Candidates and Campaigns
Gubernatorial, State Auditor, State House, State Senate, US House, US Senate, Squatting for Dollars, Vermont Candidates and Politics, Vermont Election in 2004
Kids Are Priority One
Constitution, Democratic, Grassroots, Green, Libertarian, Progressive, Reform, Republican, Socialist, Vermont Republican Party
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Vermont
News, upcoming events, action alerts, and how to get legal help of this legal and political organization.
Ethan Allen Institute
Party independent, libertarian and free-market oriented public policy think tank.
Office of Vermont Secretary of State - Elections
Section of the SOS office concerned with the operation of elections and voting in Vermont
OpenSecrets: State Political Contributions
Analysis and summary of the origins and amounts of money involved in Vermont for federal office elections.
Politics1: Directory of Vermont State & Congre
Directory of Vermont candidates, elections, political parties, and daily news media
Project Vote Smart - Information for Vermont
Nonpartisan voter education resource, including extensive links related to Vermont politics and voting
Vermont Housing Awareness Campaign
Working to address Vermont's housing shortage by promoting planning and development of housing for all Vermonters
Vermont Left
News and calendars of political events and actions by, for, and about leftists and progressives in the state, with photographs and links.