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Community Foundation for the National Capital Regi
Administers charitable grant-making funds established by individuals and corporations for the purpose of benefiting non-profit community organizations in the metro area. Describes the foundation's activities and explains how funds may be established and how they function.
Lois and Richard England Family Foundation
Focuses on human services, education, arts and culture as well as programs to strengthen Jewish life. Includes board list, submission guidelines and awards.
Meyer Foundation
Works to develop the community by supporting capable, community-based nonprofit organizations that foster the well-being of all people in the region. Includes programs, grantees, history, board profiles and publications.
The John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation
Focuses giving to organizations that serve disadvantaged people. Includes application, financial statement and awards.
The Jovid Foundation
Supports nonprofit organizations that help residents in or at risk of long-term poverty to become more self-sufficient. Includes submission guidelines, awards and board list.
The Trellis Fund
Encourages the public and nonprofit sectors to be more responsive to the needs of the local community. Includes application guidelines and awards.
Washington Area Women's Foundation
Works to increases local philanthropy in order to meet the critical needs of women and girls. Includes awards, programs, news and volunteer opportunities.
Washington Grantmakers
A nonprofit center for philanthropy, providing a network of funders and foundations for charities, grantmaking institutions, and grantseekers with information resources for charitable investments and grants availability.