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Milwaukee County Department On Aging, Milwaukee County Parks, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Distrist, North Shore Fire Department
Society and Culture
Politics, Milwaukee County Historical Society
Fox Point-Bayside School District
Calendar, news and events, standards and assessment, school board information.
General Mitchell International Airport
A medium-hub airport owned and operated by Milwaukee County. Offers a range of information for both passenger and commercial users .
Maple Dale - Indian Hill School District
K-8 district covering parts of Glendale, Fox Point, Bayside, and River Hills. Information about curriculum, school locations, student handbook, and school board information.
Mental Health Association of Milwaukee County
Strives to improve the mental health and prevent mental disorders or mental illnesses for all individuals through community education, information and assistance, advocacy, and service.
Milwaukee County
Official website, presented by the Milwaukee County Executive Office.
Milwaukee County - Explore Wisconsin
Tourism information, including attractions and businesses.
Milwaukee County Transit System
Official bus site offers maps, bus routes, schedules, information on U-PASS, VanPool, festival routes, and Park N' Ride.
Monorail for Milwaukee
A proposal for a new urban mass transit system in the county.
Private Industry Council of Milwaukee County
Provides employment and job training as a public-private enterprise through Milwaukee Job Center Network and Youth Services.