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Blue Dolphins
Diving center within the Kia Ora hotel. Offers dives with sharks and manta rays, plus facilities for advanced divers and video makers including diving gear, helicopters, and digital cameras.
Pension Bounty
Located in a tropical garden, the boarding house is constructed of kohu wood and red cedar and is located a few meters from the Ohotu Bay beach.
Taaroa Web
A black pearl jeweler offering Internet and computer access to visitors for a fee at Rangiroa on the Tuamotu Islands.
Tetamanu Village
Villages in the south of Fakarava. Offers diving among the fauna and reefs bordering the lagoon and atoll.
The 6 Passengers Diving Center
Details of a scuba diving center on the coral atoll of Rangiroa. Includes information on the dive club, lodging, rates and the variety of marine life. English/Francais.