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Abara Banaba, About Banaba
Business and Economy
Banaba Software, Banaban coconut oil, Telecom Services Kiribati Ltd.
Embassies and Consulates, IWPK
Guides and Directories
CIA - The World Factbook, Kiritours, myMicronesia.com, Portals to the World
Maps and Views
ABC Maps of Kiribati, Kiribati, 1994.
Society and Culture
Catholic-Hierarchy, Jane's Kiribati
Rik Royall, The Search For Amelia Earhart: E-Mails From the Ed, UNESCO
Travel and Tourism
Adventures in Kiribati, Air Kiribati, Kiribati: Tarawa and Christmas Island, Pacific Island Travel
Kiribati Links. Bibliography. The Gilbertese Language. Trivia.
Kiribati Newstar
Independent weekly newspaper. Headlines, and archive of articles.
University of the South Pacific - School of Law
The text of the Constitution of Kiribati.