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Business and Economy
Animals, Automotive, Computers and Internet, Construction and Maintenance, Real Estate, Shopping, Ancient Kauri Kingdom, Kaitaia Business Association, Northland Furniture Movers, Okahu Estate Winery
Travel and Tourism
Accommodation, Far North Outback Adventures, Harrisons Cape Runner, Pack or Paddle, Sand Safaris, Tracks and walks: Northland Kaitaia area walks
Kaitaia Croquet Club Inc.
Northland Croquet Association official site - Background information, opening hours, fees and maps/directions.
Kaitaia Hospital
Services, facilities, job vacancies, staff profiles and links to health information.
Kaitaia Online
General information on Kaitaia businesses and surrounding areas including Doubtless Bay, Houhora, Te Paki, and Ahipara. Includes a messageboard, local weather and a map of the town.
MetService: Kaitaia Local Weather
MetService: Kaitaia Weather Forecasts and Information Presentation Services
One New Zealand - Kaitaia
Travel & Tourist guide to Kaitaia
Pompallier School
Catholic primary school presents its history, mission statement, contact details, and newsletters.
Te Aupouri Maori Trust Board
Features Aupouri history, and details of training courses and a low deposit rural lending programme.