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Green Party
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, New Zealand Green Party
Labour Party
Labour Party, New Zealand Young Labour
National Party
Bluegreens, National Party, New Zealand Young Nationals
ACT New Zealand
ACT stands for individual freedom and choice, personal responsibility and the protection of the life, liberty and property of each and every citizen. News, MPs, candidates, policy, and the Party list.
A social-democratic, left party combining a concern for the environment with the need to create a progressive mixed economy and welfare state.
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Exists to legalise the possession and cultivation of cannabis for personal use and expunge previous convictions for personal use.
Christian Heritage Party
Advocates public policy in line with Christian principles. Site includes news releases and recent speeches, history, proposals, and candidate and spokesperson profiles.
Communist Party of Aotearoa
Aims at the revolutionary overthrow of the New Zealand capitalist class and its replacement with a government of workers.
Features recent press releases, downloadable 99-Member Petition, and Politically Incorrect Show editorials. Libertarian Internet Radio available 24hrs on the Links page.
Marc Alexander MP, United Future
Deputy Chair Law and Order Select Committee Law and Order, Police, Communications and Broadcasting, Internal Affairs, Emergency Services, Senior Citizens, Arts and Culture.
New Zealand First
Led by Rt Hon Winston Peters MP. Party policies and electoral news.
NZ Democrats
Aims are the furthering of social, environmental and economic justice.
One NZ Party
A political party who put community standards, local co-operation and the culture of close knit family as the basis of their policies.
The network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and otherwise queer members of the Alliance Party, and friends.
Progressive Coalition
The official website of the Progressive Coalition, a political party in the New Zealand government, led by Jim Anderton.
Stands for Resource Equality And Liberty. Main policy planks are the Natural Dividend and Resource Taxes.
Socialist Party of Aotearoa (SPA)
A Marxist-Leninist party in New Zealand. Includes the archive of the Red Flag magazine and the RedNet mailing list.
The Maori Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Contains aims, tikanga, rules of the party, daily news and document archive updates. Site includes biographical material and merchandise page.
The New Zealand Super Democratic Party
The prime objective of the Party, is to introduce and maintain televoting throughout New Zealand, on a national and local body electoral basis.
United Future New Zealand
Rt Hon Peter Dunne, Leader. Positions on social justice, education, economy, enterprise, and law and order.
WIN Party
Advocates preservation of freedom of choice, restoration of commonsense government and promotes protection of small business viability.
Workers Party
Information about socialism, articles from Spark, a party magazine and links to other socialist sites.